Carbon Creative Brief
The Carbon creative is made up of two parts: a banner image and an ad description.

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ads via Carbon
Required Creatives
- Banner Image
The image size is 260 × 200 (pixels) in JPG or PNG. We will scale it down to 130 × 100 (pixels) on a hi-res display.
- Ad Description
The description supports up to 100 characters.
This is where your "Ad Description" will render.
- Campaign URL
The campaign URL contains the link to your landing page. You usually want to pass the campaign tracking parameters here.
Expected Result

This is where your "Ad Description" will render.
ads via Carbon
How to Improve Ad Performance
- Provide 2–3 variations of the creatives.
- Include the main keyword in the ad description to make the offer/product clear.
- Put the call to action at the end of the ad description.
- Reinforce your brand by using vibrant background color to pull the site visitor's attention.
- Avoid text-heavy banner images. Focus on brand logo or illustration.

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